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© Christian Wyrwa

© Marek Goga

My name is Kevin Piehl and I am an experimental innovation economist. With my research, I aim to combine research questions from innovation economics with the methods of experimental and behavioral economics. I am interested in innovation-related topics like how to design incentives to foster innovation, or what determines how R&D projects are selected or how venture capitalists decide on their investments. By creating experimental setups that create causal insights, I thrive to enrich the existing innovation economics literature.

[Learn more about my research projects]

Currently, I am a PhD student at the Leibniz University Hanover at the Institute of Innovation Economics. During my doctoral program, I completed courses on experimental and innovation economics but also on further methodological topics like machine learning or theoretical reasoning. Before that, I have obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degree in business administration and economics at the Leibniz University Hanover.

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My fascination for innovation started at the end of my Bachelor's studies when I was inspired by a course on economic growth and development. Thus, I started to work as a student assistant at the Institute of Macroeconomics to gain first insights into working academically. This was also the starting point to learn coding: first, I learned R but from that day onwards, I learned also how to use Stata, Python, and Matlab, but also html (if you consider it coding) and JS as you see on this self-developed web page, just to name some.

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In my free time, I am a passionate judoka where I have just obtained my third black belt (3rd Dan). While still fighting occasionally at tournaments, I quickly switched sides and started at the age of 14 as an assistant coach. Some years later, I had my own training groups at up to three clubs simultaneously. In addition, I started my career as a judo referee where I currently have a licence that allows me to judge fights up to the 2nd German Bundesliga. Combining both, I am also currently the refereeing commissioner in Hanover where I supervise other referees and help them to improving their decisions.

[Learn more about my engagement]

© Sven Reddig

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Please take a look around to find out more about myself and what I am doing.

And if there is any question left, feel free to reach out:

Kevin Piehl

Institute of Innovation Economics
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hanover
Königsworther Platz 1
30167 Hannover

click to contact me

Alternatively, you can also download my CV here:

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